
about us

Why Choose Us?

Chartermetric provides various solutions for your brokerage concern. Our core business revolves around financial technology, especially MT4 & MT5 White Label Brokerage. Our talented group is dedicated to development, coming from multiple brokerage and fintech company backgrounds with 10+ years of experience.

About Us
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Exclusive Services

Brokerage & Trading

Our expertise in brokerage has helped clients start up a broker or improve an existing one.

Web Development

Create your fully customized website or complete template website.

Software Development

Develop or improve software that suits your business component.

Cloud Computing

Reduce cost and scale your servers accordingly.


Our Features

High Performance

Our products and services are always delivered at high performance.

Guaranteed Security

Our experts in security will guarantee that our products and services will protect you from harm in the digital world.

Technical Service

Troubleshooting errors for the products? No fret, we will be with you to help with technical issues.


Need Help?

System and Hardware
What kind of service does my brokerage needs?

At Chartermetric, we will first analyze what kind of service best suited to your business and objective. If you are interested then we will start with the next phase.

How do I manage the system?

We provide training services on how to manage all of the systems. In terms of technical issues, you may get our support by contacting us or the technology provider.

Do I need to know the technicals?

No, our system is most likely built to be user-friendly. Support from our side and technology provider will also be given if there’s any issue.

Our Solutions
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